Friday, November 27, 2009

Recent insights

A few insights on a couple of things I saw or read about a few months back.

1. Global Warming: IT'S NOT HAPPENING! Fact. From the past 400 and odd years, the temperature has increased by a mere 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit. How can you tell that it's going to escalate to about 5! FIVE! Kidding? That too by 2020? Yeah right.

2. The end of the world: Yeah. It's the recent hype. After Roland Emmerich's 'The Day after Tomorrow' and his recent '2012', it's got everyone preparing for Judgement Day. It's not happening. Its all hyped. Mainly because bad news sells. Everyone wants to know what will happen, than what won't happen. For the believers, stop planning your future then.

3. Immigration: It's inevitable. You can't stop people from going abroad and studying or working. It's just for a better life. And not every Indian who goes abroad, loses his culture/traditions.

4. Words and wordplay: I think one of the few things which piss off people, well read in a particular language, is when another wannabe uses a word(or the wrong word) without knowing what it is, or to show off. I find it quite irritating. 'Hear' is not the same as 'listen', 'see' is not the same as 'watch' etc. this point is dedicated to one of my friends. Stop the slang man. It's not cool.

5. Travel: I NEED TO TRAVEL! I'm craving to travel! No time. After dad told me about the Vally of Flowers, I've been wanting to go there. I realized that there's no point waiting for friends for everything. So if noone comes, I'm going alone! I don't want to miss out on opportunities.

6. TV: I LOVE FAMILY GUY, PENN & TELLER, THE SIMPSONS and SOUTH PARK! Simply 'coz they are satires! Must watch shows! Otherwise, I despise the idiot box.

7. I'm writing too much about myself! I don't like it! I'll find out better topics to write about in my next post! :P

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